As a certified minority- and veteran-owned enterprise, our culture reflects our commitment to community and to helping corporations and fund managers support social change.
In this way we serve as a catalyst for improvement in the lives and in the opportunities presented to veterans and to disadvantaged members of minority communities.
In addition to financial support, CAVU personnel roll up their sleeves in delivering help to targeted communities in need. On veterans’ projects we often work closely with our sister organization, the Semper TrueNorth Foundation, as well as strategic partners. In service to disadvantaged communities, we work directly with organizations committed to effecting positive change.
Read our 2024 Annual Impact Report and check out CAVU's Veteran Leadership Video for the 2024 Volunteers of America gala.

CAVU CEO Greg Parsons (foreground) and Semper Capital CIO Tom Mandel volunteer on a Habitat for Humanity project.
CAVU Capital Markets Commitment
CAVU In the Community
CAVU Securities honored at the Greater NY Volunteers of America 2024 Gala
CAVU Impact Partner: Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Recipients Pay it Forward
CAVU Impact Partner: Boys & Girls Club Teen Heads To New York Fashion Week
CAVU Impact Partner: 'Prison To Postsecondary Education" Program Transforms Student
CAVU Impact Partner: Soldiers Angels Feed 340,000+ Veterans and Active Duty
Who We Help. How We Help.
CAVU pledges both direct monetary support and volunteer energies to help provide opportunities for veterans and disadvantaged minorities. We have brought comfort and assistance to these populations in partnership with these organizations: